That specific moment that the first one starts shouting, and everybody else join, is quite an hilarious moment, which reminds of the above mentioned high-school kids.
That's the only type of news I consume nowadays. For example, only today I discovered that the Israeli high-school teachers are on strike for 1.5 months. The Universities are on strike for a month, by the way. But what am I talking about, you probably know it already.
And as promised, a short story:
It was early in the morning, the sun was still somewhere else, only the newspaper people are at the streets, even the Cafes were still closed. Only one car was slowly driving the streets. And when we came across each other, I had to give way to that police car before crossing the street.
That moment changed everything. I just gave up and admitted defeat in my own private war against Irish car drivers. And I became one of them, the passive, frightened, miserable, running from the cars like a rat that is being chased by a cat, Irish pedestrians.