Have you ever wondered how long can frozen Hummus last?
I might have an answer soon enough!
Yesterday I was flying back to Dublin with Lufthansa, via Frankfurt. Due to the stormy weather in Frankfort, there was 1 hour delay in my flight. That leaves me with 30 minutes between my flights and when we landed I had to walk (couldn't run with the heavy carry on I was carrying) to another terminal. Luckily, few minutes later, when I found the nearest departures list, I discovered that the flight to Dublin was delayed by 20 minutes.
After boarding was completed, the captain announced that we are waiting for another passenger, whose flight was delayed and she was making her way to the aircraft. It should take another 20 minutes.
After she arrived, the captain announces that now we have to wait until the airport's snowplows (there were about 40 of those) will clear the snow from the runway and this should take another 15 minutes. After sleeping for half an hour I woke and realized we are still at the gate.
Eventually we left Frankfurt 1.5 hours later than scheduled. We landed in Dublin airport just after midnight.
I felt pretty lucky after queuing for 1 minute at the immigration and I was happily heading to the luggage belt, presuming my luggage will turn out first, since it probably was amongst the last ones to be loaded.
But I was so wrong... 30 minutes later I discovered that my luggage wasn't even on the plane. After a quick and not so thorough investigation by the airline agent, I was told it will arrive in Dublin in the next morning flight.
At this moment, almost 24 hrs later, it still didn't arrive.
What does it have to do with Hummus Experiment?
My flatmate just loves good Hummus. Can I think of a better Christmas present? Yes I can. But I thought to myself why not taking with me a whole kilogram of Frozen Hummus? By the time I arrive in Dublin, it will stay cold. If only I knew...
So... Have you ever wondered what it looks like when Hummus is out of the fridge for 2 days (hopefully) or more?
Thanks to Lufthansa, who were even worse than Ryanair yesterday, I might be able to tell.
Stay tuned to find out about the finding of this experiment.