Well, nothing is supposed to work as planned, so when I landed I called Dan, and he told me there'll be a delay, and he'll probably land at 20:00!!! I knew something like that would happen! Why couldn't my flight be delayed??I just hope nothing else will occur out of the blue...
Well, at first I was thinking to go to the city, put my suitcase (which is quite big to travel the city with) at a luggage deposit, but at the tourist info i was told that there are 2 places in Dublin where I can deposit it, but they are both quite far from the area where Dan lives and from the more interesting parts of Dublin. So I decided to stay at the airport. And what can be better than writing my next post at the airport? So that's why I'm sitting down at the airport under the Meeting Point sign, my dear suitcase is next to me, and I write everything in my cool 888.com notebook.
It's 18:25. I have 1.5 hours left. If I find nothing better to do, this might be a very long post. Talking on the phone could be nice, but expensive- almost 1$ per minute for incoming calls. and that also means I'll have to convince people to call me... maybe that's not such a good idea after all.
5 minutes have passed.
There are some available Internet access positions, but it costs 1E per 10 minutes! so expensive!
hey, I can also watch and try to understand Cricket. The TV in front of us, the people at the Meeting Point, is on, and there's a cricket match. Everybody around me are quite fascinated by the match between Ireland and England.
Another 5 minutes have passed. It's going to be soooo long... That post.
Hey, I've got a wonderful idea! I'll go to the tourist info and get some ideas for Monday- Tuesday.When I come back, I'll explain.
Well, I'm back, after spending 20 minutes at the line, so that the nice lady at the tourist info would tell me that she has no info about Northern Ireland, and she gave me the address of the tourist info in Belfast (for Or's Travels Advice- near the Jury Hotel, at Royal Avenue. Hey! you've earned a free link! You lucky bitch!).
after that I bought a bottle of water, drank some, ate my last sandwich from this morning, yes, it was delicious, and no, I suppose (I use that word so much. I think, or even better- I suppose I'll have it as a label) it wasn't spoiled. After that I drank some more, and my mom called, so now I have 40 minutes left!
Ohh, No!!! I now look at the board, and his light will land at 20:10! that means I have to wait another 15 minutes!!
So now the countdown is 55 minutes.
OK. So now I have the time to tell you all ( all of my 3 frequent readers) what's on for Monday. Dan has to go to Northern Ireland for a business trip, by a rented car. I'll join him. At first I was terrified, I thought he was supposed to go to London or some other place in England, and I'll have lose 2 days with him (If I want to join him that means we'll have to book myself a flight, too expensive. And besides, there's always the chance there are no available seats on the flight). So he has to go to a place called Banbridge, and it's quite close to Belfast, so I'll take a bus there, or Dan will drop me there. I better not drive the car, unless I'm in the mood for an accident. I'm sure I'll find what to do and where to go there.
There's a couple in their mid-20's sitting next to me. they are fighting and laughing like 5 years old... What's wrong with you people??? (Dear Ellen, this one is for you!)
So now I have 40 minutes left, I filled 3 pages in my cool 888.com notebook, and I still have to type it later on today. So I think I'll watch Cricket after all, and keep you updated in what I've learned about it in my next post.
Oh my god!!!! How long did you actually end up waiting?
And what is wrong with people? Someone asked me to marry them for $100,000 while i was sitting and waiting to see the doctor yesterday and I asked him what was wrong with him.......
How does Or manage to get a link to her blog while I don't??? Hmm..... What do i have to do for a link? :)
Have an awesome trip!!! Keep us posted!
Hey why are c
you calling me a lucky bitch when the link doesnt work??? LOL (you have to put htp:// before the www so it will work...Have fun dear and write more :-)
I meant http:// (not htp)
Hello dear!
Thank you Denya for giving me a free link so my travelsadvice will appear higher in the natural results, and for helping me to get higher page rank. thanks a million!
Well, I'll forgive you this time and even ask you what would you like the anchor text to be. Just let me know. Am I nice, or what??
By the way, my next post will be about cricket. I'll tell my fans what I have learned while I was waiting at the airport.
How cool is that?!
LOL - Thank you Denya for giving me a free link so my travelsadvice will appear higher in the natural results, and for helping me to get higher page rank. thanks a million!
Cricket ha? yummmy LOL....
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