Tuesday, July 10, 2007

News Flash

Yes, I submitted my resignation letter a month ago, and I'm not working there since last Thursday. It feels wonderful to be unemployed! Even though I wake up at around 7:30 every morning for a different doctor, meeting at the bank or breakfast with friends.

Yeah, I'm busy! If you want to meet me (in addition to all the 20 doctors I met), you must schedule. But I'm afraid it's too late, my time here is almost up... Well, by HERE I mean Israel.

I'm leaving in 6 days, for as long as possible!

On Monday I'll be heading to Dublin, Ireland. I'll be working and living there, and of course I'll be joining Dan, at last!

Right now my apartment is one big mess. Suitcases, bags and cloths that need to be washed are thrown on the floor, along with some dust and a bit more dust... And few pairs of shoes. I have so many papers on every table, and every time I need to look for my mobile phone, I must call it from my land line...

So of course I'm all excitements and stressed at the same time (WIll I be able to pack everything in the 2 suitcases? Will I be able to meet everybody by monday? etc...), and can't wait till monday comes!

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