I wonder, though, how long does someone have to live in the US, illegally of course, without knowing how to spell EUROPEAN...

In the picture you can see Ellen, our expert copywriter, pointing the fatal mistake. It is fatal, taking into consideration nobody have stop this from becoming a big sign alongside one of the main roads in Las Vegas.
By nobody, I mean the copywriter (he he he... yeah right. The copywriter of this sign was probably the grandfather of the owner, still living in Israel, who probably doesn't know how to spell his own name in Hebrew, not to mention English), the designer, the company which print the sign and probably others as well.
At least they had a great OrangeNana juice - orange juice and Limonana barad. Yum yum! Seriously! I had 2 (and had my reasons :-)
And please, don't be caught in my next How not to Write.
I love that I jumped into the picture for no apparent reason.
I found out who wrote the sign - it was the owner (and yes, I am pretty sure he is illegally in the country). He laughed at my accent in Hebrew (when I ordered a sandwich and iced tea) so i laughed at his sign.
That's not Ellen Kominski at her best! You can definitely do better next time you see him. Also, no need for a reason in order to laugh at his sign. Try to be nastier :-) Also because people like him are the reason people like me must issue a visa to the US.
and keep us updated :-D
Apologies for misspelling your name, Ellen Kominsky. Unfortunately, I cannot edit my previous comment.
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